Welcome to Pont-d'Ouilly |
Geographical situation, Roads and ways, The bridge, Religious buildings, Trade and Industry, Public and private services, Schools
The village is located on the RD511, 18 km from the west of Falaise, and 12 km from the east of Conde-sur-Noireau.
The surface of the commune is 1.950 ha 17 a 78 ca for a total perimeter of approximately 33,1 km.
The Orne departement is bordering on our commune on 8,8 km.
The highest area is at an altitude of 252 meters (Mont-Pitois), and the lowest one at 42 meters (Orne river in the north).
On the map drawn by M. Cassini, three ways are represented on the territory of our commune.
The first one, knowed as the "Grand Chemin de Bretagne", is issued from Falaise through the borough of Ouilly-le-Basset and joins the Orne river by the "Chemin du Roi";
after the bridge, it joins the borough of Saint-Marc-d'Ouilly by the "Chemin de la Butte" and continues towards Le Fresne and Pontécoulant.
The second one, starts with the bottom of La Valette to join Saint-Christophe, then Donnay and Cesny-Bois-Halbout.
The third and last one, starts from the Haut-d'Ouilly, passes through the Orne river at Rouilly pontoon and joins Condé through Berjou.
Other main ways joins Pont-d'Ouilly which is thus an important point to pass through the Orne river.
Until the middle of the XIXth century, the bridge has eight arches.
A cross is in the middle, and is the limit both between the two parishes and between the two communes of Ouilly-le-Basset and of Saint-Marc-d'Ouilly.
A new bridge is built from September 22, 1849 to May 14, 1851. Tuesday October 5, 1852, an important rising of the Orne river demolishes a part of the new bridge.
A fifth arch is built after this accident.
During June and July 1944, the bridge is bombarded many times; it is finally destroyed on Saturday August 12, 1944.
On Saturday 19, the English troops builds a Bailey bridge baptized Jacqueline Bridge.
The building of the actual bridge begins in June 1947 and, May 17, 1948, M. Marcel Guyon, mayor of our very new commune, inaugurates it officially.
Pont-d'Ouilly offers its visitors four religious buildings :
The old Market, burnt in 1824 and rebuilt in 1826, was until the middle of the 20th century a place of important exchange for all the area :
butcheries, grains, poultries, butter, game and other food products of first need were proposed there.
Crossing point above the Orne river, Pont-d'Ouilly also had for a long time the advantage of a prospering commercial activity : in 1901, at least 75 trades were present.
During the 19th century, our old communes benefited from the regional developpement of the cotton industry.
Several factorys site was thus exploited : La Pautiche, Saint-Christophe, Le Moulin-Neuf and two establishments located on both sides of the bridge on the left bank of the Orne river.
In 1715, a college of Jesuits existed to Pont-d'Ouilly. The school of Ouilly-le-Basset was built in 1852, that of Saint-Marc-d'Ouilly in 1877. In the village of Pont-d'Ouilly, the school built in 1883 was destroyed on August 16, 1994. The first stone of the current school complex was posed on April 12, 1953.